Tag: blood flow

Pregnancy Weeks

As far as the body of the mother is concerned in the 1st week of the pregnancy, mother should be careful about the habits and the routine in a way that baby must not be affected in some negative manner. During the 2nd week the uterine wall and the lining will further grow to nourish the baby which will be now secreting FSH hormones. The 3rd week will demand the proper intake of the dietary constituents in a balanced manner so as to give proper nourishment to the baby. Diets containing folic acid and the protein will be considered as the body of the mother will need these constituents.

In the 4th week the baby will release a hormone HCG which will send a signal to the ovary to stop releasing the eggs. During the 5th week of the pregnancy a mother should avoid the intake of the several foods which can affect the growth of the baby. In the 6th week there will be a complete onset of the conditions which a mother may suffer in case of pregnancy like nausea, sickness, breast aching, morning sickness and certain changes in the hormones. 7th week brings the changes in the cervix of the women which will result in the protection of the uterus. Continue reading “Pregnancy Weeks”

Pregnancy Weeks
5 (99.31%) 29 votes

Early Pregnancy Discharge

Early pregnancy discharge must not be ignored. It is not just a symptom of pregnancy; it might be because of certain disorder or unexpected problem. Discharge in early pregnancy is very normal and expected as well but in some cases early pregnancy discharge and bleeding may lead to serious conditions.

Women should not think that the discharge she is having is a normal thing. She should look into the fact that if she is having discharge more than normal amount then she must consult a doctor. If the discharge is uncontrollable and the bleeding rate is high then she must go to an expert and get proper treatment. Continue reading “Early Pregnancy Discharge”

Early Pregnancy Discharge
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GiottoPress by Enrique Chavez