Pregnancy And Diarrhea

Diarrhea is most commonly termed as a symptom then to define it from some disorder of the body; however, it is characterized by the loose movements of the bowel in the intestine. Diarrhea during pregnancy is not very uncommon and there can be many reasons for this in the pregnant women. It can be due to the excessive intake of water, some workout plan during pregnancy etc. some women even complain about the supplements they have been taking during the pregnancy period.

Sometimes the flora of the intestine can also cause the diarrhea in the women with pregnancy. Food poisoning can be another reason. However, such type of diarrhea during pregnancy doesn’t persist as it is rare as compared to the other severe condition which is constipation. If it last over a day, then a doctor must be consulted as it may lead to some unpleasant affects for both the mother and the baby. In pregnancy even a mild condition other than diarrhea must also be taken care of. Continue reading “Pregnancy And Diarrhea”

Pregnancy And Diarrhea
4.8 (95%) 28 votes

Pregnancy Vitamin

When a woman is trying to conceive she has many things that play a factor in exactly how successful the woman is in trying to do this. If a woman feels that they are having trouble in conceiving then perhaps taking a pregnancy vitamin is a good idea. Many times this can help with the low levels or other things that could be causing the problems. If you make sure that you get a vitamin that is recommended by a doctor then you should be able to find one that is safe with no side effects.

In fact there have been many studies that show that using pregnancy vitamins are one of the best ways to help with the fertility when trying to conceive. This method can actually be a bit more effective than other methods. The good news is that even if a person is using medical means to help they can use these in addition to that as long as you do so under the direction of a doctor.

Continue reading “Pregnancy Vitamin”

Pregnancy Vitamin
5 (100%) 25 votes

First Trimester Pregnancy

It is the dream of every woman to become a mother.  Though they have to suffer many difficulties in there pregnancy period yet they love to enjoy their pregnancy time. If you are wondering for some information regarding your first trimester pregnancy, then I must suggest you to carry on reading this article as it cover all the points which you have to keep in mind during the first trimester pregnancy. This time period has its own importance as women feel many vital changes in their body. If they are not aware of some important fact then they may suffer some bad experience.

How to keep yourself fit and active?

This is one of the most important questions for which every pregnant women wonder. Sometime it happens that when you become pregnant you lose your original figure of the body. No matters how hard you have worked for the perfect figure of the body as soon as you give a birth of a child you lose the figure.

To avoid this thing the first thing which you have to keeping mind is that you have to do regular exercise. This will keep your body fit and this will also helpful for the better health of your child. While doing the exercise the main thing you have to keep in mind is that always try to avoid such exercise that are harmful for your body. In case you exercise include lifting of heavy weight then you have to avoid it. You are highly recommended to avoid such exercises that are harmful for your child. Continue reading “First Trimester Pregnancy”

First Trimester Pregnancy
5 (100%) 21 votes

Bleeding During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the milestone in women’s life that is very special. It is a positive event in one’s life that is memorable and unforgettable. It is a condition in which an expectant mother is carrying the life of her child inside her stomach. The worth of a woman lies towards capacity of bearing a child inside her tummy and nurturing it.  It is somehow a delicate stage of womanhood.

With this beautiful milestone in life come several risks. Among the most common risk is bleeding during pregnancy. This is one of the major conditions that pregnant women face. Bleeding may vary depending on the stage of pregnancy. It is during the first trimester of pregnancy that bleeding usually occurs. It comes in the form of vaginal bleeding. It is considerably a normal incident during first trimester. Continue reading “Bleeding During Pregnancy”

Bleeding During Pregnancy
5 (100%) 14 votes

Cramping During Pregnancy

Although it is quite joyful to have a baby, however a mother may experience sever types of the cramps which can be highly unpleasant for the mothers who are going to deliver the babies. Although minor type of the cramps are the part of the normal pregnancy phenomena but the sever cramps can really turn the mother into a great pain. As it is due to the fact that body has to adapt according to the position and the condition of the baby in the belly so it can cause cramps. The main reason for such types of the cramps is baby.

As the size of the bay increases in the body so the uterine has to be stretched to accommodate the baby, so it can result in the cramps as the ligaments in this case can also be affected.

During the first stages of the pregnancy the embryo attaches him to the uterine wall which can also result in the cramps. Cramping caused by the miscarriage is the most severe and painful of all the reasons as it can set the mother in great pain. But sometimes normal cramps in the body of the pregnant woman are also confused with the irregular cramps. Continue reading “Cramping During Pregnancy”

Cramping During Pregnancy
5 (100%) 27 votes

Pregnancy Weeks

As far as the body of the mother is concerned in the 1st week of the pregnancy, mother should be careful about the habits and the routine in a way that baby must not be affected in some negative manner. During the 2nd week the uterine wall and the lining will further grow to nourish the baby which will be now secreting FSH hormones. The 3rd week will demand the proper intake of the dietary constituents in a balanced manner so as to give proper nourishment to the baby. Diets containing folic acid and the protein will be considered as the body of the mother will need these constituents.

In the 4th week the baby will release a hormone HCG which will send a signal to the ovary to stop releasing the eggs. During the 5th week of the pregnancy a mother should avoid the intake of the several foods which can affect the growth of the baby. In the 6th week there will be a complete onset of the conditions which a mother may suffer in case of pregnancy like nausea, sickness, breast aching, morning sickness and certain changes in the hormones. 7th week brings the changes in the cervix of the women which will result in the protection of the uterus. Continue reading “Pregnancy Weeks”

Pregnancy Weeks
5 (99.31%) 29 votes

Pregnancy First Trimester

Pregnancy first trimester and specially the first week is very uncertain for some of the women. They are still confused about their pregnancy. But the joy to feel pregnant first time makes a woman feel feminine. The feeling of expecting a child is a new experience for the women getting pregnant first time.

There are many symptoms seen on the first trimester for example, menstrual cycle is delayed, breasts get tender and the woman gets tired.  Some women also go through morning sickness. This makes them believe that they really are pregnant. The first trimester of pregnancy is very exciting, but not for every woman. Pregnancy of every woman is not similar. Some women may experience symptoms during their pregnancy and some women might not experience them. Continue reading “Pregnancy First Trimester”

Pregnancy First Trimester
5 (100%) 18 votes

Prenatal Vitamins

Everyone knows that vitamins are a very important part of staying healthy, and for a pregnant woman, vitamins are even more important to make sure that they stay healthy and so does the newborn they are carrying. Using a pregnancy vitamin is the best way to make sure that you get the nutrients that you and your baby need when you are pregnant. This vitamin can help with deficiencies that are found in pregnant women such as vitamins B and folic acids, both of which are very important to the development of the baby and the health of the mother.

Taking a pregnancy vitamin is very important, one of the most important vitamins that pregnant women need is folic acid. When folic acid is taken in the first four weeks of being pregnant it will help to reduce the risk of the newborn having a problem with their spinal column, by almost seventy percent.

Since folic acid is one pregnancy vitamin that is very useful at the beginning of the pregnancy most doctors will recommend that any woman trying to conceive increase their folic acid intake even before pregnancy to help ensure that when they do conceive all the benefits from the early stages are gotten. Continue reading “Prenatal Vitamins”

Prenatal Vitamins
5 (100%) 62 votes

Early Pregnancy Discharge

Early pregnancy discharge must not be ignored. It is not just a symptom of pregnancy; it might be because of certain disorder or unexpected problem. Discharge in early pregnancy is very normal and expected as well but in some cases early pregnancy discharge and bleeding may lead to serious conditions.

Women should not think that the discharge she is having is a normal thing. She should look into the fact that if she is having discharge more than normal amount then she must consult a doctor. If the discharge is uncontrollable and the bleeding rate is high then she must go to an expert and get proper treatment. Continue reading “Early Pregnancy Discharge”

Early Pregnancy Discharge
5 (100%) 14 votes

Spotting During Pregnancy

Spotting during pregnancy, although it may spook many new moms, is a normal part of pregnancy. According to a study done by Columbia Presbyterian hospital, spotting occurs in about 30 percent of women within their first trimester. This is often caused by implantation, the process where the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining.

Bleeding due to implantation can often occur before a woman knows she is pregnant, or it can occur afterwards. However, implantation can happen anywhere from 6-12 days after possible conception. The spotting is usually lighter than the flow of bleeding found in menstrual cycles.

Cervical polyp is another potential cause of spotting in the first two trimesters of pregnancy, this occurs due to a harmless growth on the cervix that can appear due to higher levels of estrogen. Continue reading “Spotting During Pregnancy”

Spotting During Pregnancy
5 (100%) 13 votes

Pregnancy Weight Gain

Pregnancy weight gain refers to increase in body weight that occurs during the pregnancy. In the world, it is estimated that majority of women experience increase in body weight during pregnancy. The woman`s body increases in size for example, the limbs become a bit bigger and appear to be swollen. The face appear broader, the cheeks may become swollen than normal. The total weight of the mother is her own weight plus that of the fetus, that`s why her weight seems to have occurred suddenly.

Weight gain during pregnancy is a must and therefore a woman who experiences weight gain should not panic. This is because, apart from eating for her own nutrition requirements, she also eats for the growing fetus. Continue reading “Pregnancy Weight Gain”

Pregnancy Weight Gain
5 (100%) 15 votes

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